Matthieu Domenech de Cellès

© MPIIB / David Ausserhofer
2017 – 2019
- Post-doctoral fellow (research grant from Pfizer, co-PI with Lulla Opatowski), Biostatistics, Biomathematics, Pharmacoepidemiology and Infectious Diseases (B2PHI), Inserm/Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines/Institut Pasteur, Paris, France. Research work: mathematical modelling of the transmission of meningococcal group W in France.
2015 – 2017
- Post-doctoral fellow (research grant from the Ile-de-France region, PI: Lulla Opatowski), Biostatistics, Biomathematics, Pharmacoepidemiology and Infectious Diseases (B2PHI), Inserm/Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines/Institut Pasteur, Paris, France. Research work: seasonality of pneumococcus, in association with winter respiratory viruses.
2013 – 2015
- Post-doctoral fellow (research grant from the US National Institutes of Health, PIs: Pejman Rohani and Aaron King), Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA. Research work: epidemiology of pertussis and impact of pertussis vaccines in the USA.
2009 – 2013
- PhD candidate, Pierre et Marie Curie University (Paris-VI), doctoral school Pierre Louis de santé publique, ED 393 Épidemiologie et Sciences de l’Information Biomédicale (host unit: Pharmacoepidemiology and Infectious Diseases, Institut Pasteur, Paris) Research work: epidemiology of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in hospital settings and of pneumococcus in the community.