
Zeitschriftenartikel (100)

Jhelum, H.; Čerina, D.; Harbort, C. J.; Lindner, A.; Hanitsch, L. G.; Leistner, R.; Schröder, J.-T.; von Bernuth, H.; Stegemann, M. S.; Schürmann, M. et al.; Zychlinsky, A.; Krüger, R.; Marsman, G.: Panton-Valentine leukocidin-induced neutrophil extracellular traps lack antimicrobial activity and are readily induced in patients with recurrent PVL+-Staphylococcus aureus infections. Journal of Leukocyte Biology, qiad137 (2023)
Jhelum, H.; Čerina, D.; Harbort, C. J.; Lindner, A.; Hanitsch, L. G.; Leistner, R.; Schröder, J.-T.; von Bernuth, H.; Stegemann, M. S.; Schürmann, M. et al.; Zychlinsky, A.; Krüger, R.; Marsman, G.: Panton-Valentine leukocidin–induced neutrophil extracellular traps lack antimicrobial activity and are readily induced in patients with recurrent PVL + -Staphylococcus aureus infections. Journal of Leukocyte Biology 115 (2), S. 222 - 234 (2023)
Tilley, D. O.; Abuabed, U.; Zimny-Arndt, U.; Schmid, M.; Florian, S.; Jungblut, P. R.; Brinkmann, V.; Herzig, A.; Zychlinsky, A.: Histone H3 clipping is a novel signature of human neutrophil extracellular traps. eLife 11, e68283 (2022)
Quail, D. F.; Amulic, B.; Aziz, M.; Barnes, B. J.; Eruslanov, E.; Fridlender, Z. G.; Goodridge, H. S.; Granot, Z.; Hidalgo, A.; Huttenlocher, A. et al.; Kaplan, M. J.; Malanchi, I.; Merghoub, T.; Meylan, E.; Mittal, V.; Pittet, M. J.; Rubio-Ponce, A.; Udalova, I. A.; van den Berg, T. K.; Wagner, D. D.; Wang, P.; Zychlinsky, A.; de Visser, K. E.; Egeblad, M.; Kubes, P.: Neutrophil phenotypes and functions in cancer: A consensus statement. Journal of Experimental Medicine 219 (6), e20220011 (2022)
Sfeir, A.; Fishell, G.; Schier, A. F.; Dustin, M. L.; Gan, W.-B.; Joyner, A.; Lehmann, R.; Ron, D.; Roth, D.; Talbot, W. S. et al.; Yelon, D.; Zychlinsky, A.: Basic science under threat: Lessons from the Skirball Institute. Cell 185 (5), S. 755 - 758 (2022)
Brinkmann, V.; Zychlinsky, A.: Entering the neutrophil trap. Nature Reviews Immunology 21 (10), S. 615 (2021)
Burn, G. L.; Foti, A.; Marsman, G.; Patel, D. F.; Zychlinsky, A.: The Neutrophil. Immunity 54 (7), S. 1377 - 1391 (2021)
Apel, F.; Andreeva, L.; Knackstedt, S. L.; Streeck, R.; Frese, C. K.; Goosmann, C.; Hopfner, K.-P.; Zychlinsky, A.: The cytosolic DNA sensor cGAS recognizes neutrophil extracellular traps. Science Signaling 14 (673) (2021)
Sollberger, G.; Streeck, G.; Apel, F.; Caffrey, B. E.; Skoultchi, A. I.; Zychlinsky, A.: Linker histone H1.2 and H1.4 affect the neutrophil lineage determination. eLife 9, e52563 (2020)
Cossarizza, A.; Chang, H.-D.; Radbruch, A.; Authors, different; Jani, P. K.; Kaufmann, S. H. E.; Melchers, F.; Authors, different, d.; Zychlinsky, A.: Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sortingin immunological studies (second edition). European Journal of Immunology 49 (10), S. 1457 - 1973 (2019)
Knackstedt, S. L.; Georgiadou, A.; Apel, F.; Abu Abed, U.; Moxon, C. A.; Cunnington, A. J.; Raupach, B.; Cunningham, D.; Langhorne, J.; Krüger, R. et al.; Barrera, V.; Harding, S. P.; Berg, A.; Patel, S.; Otterdal, K.; Mordmüller, B.; Schwarzer, E.; Brinkmann, V.; Zychlinsky, A.; Amulic, B.: Neutrophil extracellular traps drive inflammatory pathogenesis in malaria. Science Immunology 4 (40), eaaw0336 (2019)
Wagner, P.; Morath, J. P.; Zychlinsky, A.; Müller, K.-R.; Samek, W.: Rotation Invariant Clustering of 3D Cell Nuclei Shapes. Conference proceedings: IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference 2019, S. 6022 - 6027 (2019)
Kenny, E. F.; Raupach, B.; Abu Abed, U.; Brinkmann, V.; Zychlinsky, A.: Dnase1‐deficient mice spontaneously develop a systemic lupus erythematosus‐like disease. European Journal of Immunology 49 (4), S. 590 - 599 (2019)
Ley, K.; Hoffman, H. M.; Kubes, P.; Cassatella, M. A.; Zychlinsky, A.; Hedrick, C. C.; Catz, S. D.: Neutrophils: New insights and open questions. Science Immunology 3 (30), eaat4579 (2018)
Sollberger, G.; Choidas, A.; Burn, G. L.; Habenberger, P.; Lucrezia, R. D.; Kordes, S.; Menninger, S.; Eickhoff, J.; Nussbaumer, P.; Klebl, B. et al.; Krüger, R.; Herzig, A.; Zychlinsky, A.: Gasdermin D plays a vital role in the generation of neutrophil extracellular traps. Science Immunology 3 (26), eaar6689 (2018)
Apel, F.; Zychlinsky, A.; Kenny, E. F.: The role of neutrophil extracellular traps in rheumatic diseases. Nature Reviews Rheumatology 14 (8), S. 467 - 475 (2018)
Virreira Winter, S.; Zychlinsky, A.: The bacterial pigment pyocyanin inhibits the NLRP3 inflammasome through intracellular reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Journal of Biological Chemistry 293 (13), S. 4893 - 4900 (2018)
Sollberger, G.; Tilley, D. O.; Zychlinsky, A.: Neutrophil Extracellular Traps: The Biology of Chromatin Externalization. Developmental Cell 44 (5), S. 542 - 553 (2018)
Deigendesch, N.; Zychlinsky, A.; Meissner, F.: Copper Regulates the Canonical NLRP3 Inflammasome. The Journal of Immunology 200 (5), S. 1607 - 1617 (2018)
Amulic, B.; Knackstedt, S. L.; Abu Abed, U.; Deigendesch, N.; Harbort, C. J.; Caffrey, B. E.; Brinkmann, V.; Heppner, F. L.; Hinds, P. W.; Zychlinsky, A.: Cell-Cycle Proteins Control Production of Neutrophil Extracellular Traps. Developmental Cell 43 (4), e5, S. 449 - 462 (2017)
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