Publikationen von Yohei Kawano

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Petkau, G.; Kawano, Y.; Wolf, I.; Knoll, M.; Melchers, F.: MiR221 promotes precursor B-cell retention in the bone marrow by amplifying the PI3K-signaling pathway in mice. European Journal of Immunology 48 (6), S. 975 - 989 (2018)
Kawano, Y.; Petkau, G.; Stehle, C.; Durek, P.; Heinz, G. A.; Tanimoto, K.; Karasuyama, H.; Mashreghi, M.-F.; Romagnani, C.; Melchers, F.: Stable lines and clones of long-term proliferating normal, genetically unmodified murine common lymphoid progenitors. Blood 131 (18), S. 2026 - 2035 (2018)
Tornack, J.; Kawano, Y.; Garbi, N.; H¨ammerling, G. J.; Melchers, F.; Tsuneto, M.: Flt3 ligand-eGFP-reporter expression characterizes functionally distinct subpopulations of CD150+ long-term repopulating murine hematopoietic stem cells. European Journal of Immunology 47 (9), S. 1477 - 1487 (2017)
Kawano, Y.; Petkau, G.; Wolf, I.; Tornack, J.; Melchers, F.: IL-7 and immobilized Kit-ligand stimulate serum- and stromal cell-free cultures of precursor B-cell lines and clones. European Journal of Immunology 47 (1), S. 206 - 212 (2017)
LiHua, L.; Yoshikawa, S.; Ohta, T.; Horiguchi, K.; Kawano, Y.; Ohtsuc, H.; Yamanishia, Y.; Karasuyama, H.: Large particulate allergens can elicit mast cell-mediated anaphylaxis without exit from blood vessels as efficiently as do small soluble allergens. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 467 (1), S. 70 - 75 (2015)
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