Publikationen von Stephanie Zimmerman

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Dyer, V.; Brüggemann, H.; Soerensen, M.; Kühl, A. A.; Hoffman, K.; Brinkmann, V.; Reines, M. d. M.; Zimmerman, S.; Meyer, T. F.; Koch, M.: Genomic features of the Helicobacter pylori strain PMSS1 and its virulence attributes as deduced from its in vivo colonisation patterns. Molecular Microbiology 110 (5), S. 761 - 776 (2018)
Zimmermann, S.; Pfannkuch, L.; Al-Zeer, M. A.; Bartfeld, S.; Koch, M.; Liu, J.; Rechner, C.; Soerensen, M.; Sokolova, O.; Zamyatina, A. et al.; Kosma, P.; Mäurer, A. P.; Glowinski, F.; Pleissner, K.-P.; Schmid, M.; Brinkmann, V.; Karlas, A.; Naumann, M.; Rother, M.; Machuy, N.; Meyer, T. F.: ALPK1- and TIFA-Dependent Innate Immune Response Triggered by the Helicobacter pylori Type IV Secretion System. Cell Reports 20 (10), S. 2384 - 2395 (2017)
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