Zeitschriftenartikel (2470)

Ulrichs, T.; Munk, M. E.; Mollenkopf, H.; Behr-Perst, S.; Colangeli, R.; Gennaro, M. L.; Kaufmann, S. H. E.: Differential T cell responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis ESAT6 in tuberculosis patients and healthy donors. European Journal of Immunology 28 (12), S. 3949 - 3958 (1998)
Collins, H. L.; Schaible, U. E.; Kaufmann, S. H. E.: Early IL-4 induction in bone marrow lymphoid precursor cells by mycobacterial lipoarabinomannan. Journal of Immunology 161 (10), S. 5546 - 5554 (1998)
Backert, S.; von Nickisch-Rosenegk, E.; Meyer, T. F.: Potential role of two Helicobacter pylori relaxases in DNA transfer? Molecular Microbiology 30 (3), S. 673 - 674 (1998)
Raffelsbauer, D.; Bubert, A.; Engelbrecht, F.; Scheinpflug, J.; Simm, A.; Hess, J.; Kaufmann, S. H. E.; Goebel, W.: The gene cluster inlC2DE of Listeria monocytogenes contains additional new internalin genes and is important for virulence in mice. Molecular and General Genetics 260 (2-3), S. 144 - 158 (1998)
Wang, J.; Gray-Owen, S. D.; Knorre, A.; Meyer, T. F.; Dehio, C.: Opa binding to cellular CD66 receptors mediates the transcellular traversal of Neisseria gonorrhoeae across polarized T84 epithelial cell monolayers. Molecular Microbiology 30 (3), S. 657 - 671 (1998)
Naumann, M.; Rudel, T.; Wieland, B.; Bartsch, C.; Meyer, T. F.: Coordinate activation of activator protein 1 and inflammatory cytokines in response to Neisseria gonorrhoeae epithelial cell contact involves stress response kinases. Journal of Experimental Medicine 188 (7), S. 1277 - 1286 (1998)
Engelbrecht, F.; Dominguez-Bernal, G.; Hess, J.; Dickneite, C.; Greiffenberg, L.; Lampidis, R.; Raffelsbauer, D.; Daniels, J. J. D.; Kreft, J.; Kaufmann, S. H. E. et al.; Vazquez-Boland, J.-A.; Goebel, W.: A novel PrfA-regulated chromosomal locus, which is specific for Listeria ivanovii, encodes two small, secreted internalins and contributes to virulence in mice. Molecular Microbiology 30 (2), S. 405 - 417 (1998)
Jungblut, P. R.; Otto, A.; Favor, J.; Löwe, M.; Müller, E. C.; Kastner, M.; Sperling, K.; Klose, J.: Identification of mouse crystallins in 2D protein patterns by sequencing and mass spectrometry. Application to cataract mutants. FEBS Letters 435 (2-3), S. 131 - 137 (1998)
Flesch, I. E. A.; Collins, H.; Hess, J.; Kaufmann, S. H. E.: Checkpoints in antibacterial immunity. Research in Immunology 149 (7-8), S. 693 - 697 (1998)
Haas, G.; Samri, A.; Gomard, E.; Hosmalin, A.; Duntze, J.; Bouley, J.-M.; Ihlenfeldt, H.-G.; Katlama, C.; Autran, B.: Cytotoxic T-cell responses to HIV-1 reverse transcriptase, integrase and protease. AIDS 12 (12), S. 1427 - 1436 (1998)
Dehio, C.; Freissler, E.; Lanz, C.; Gómez-Duarte, O. G.; David, G.; Meyer, T. F.: Ligation of cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans by antibody-coated beads stimulates phagocytic uptake into epithelial cells: A model for cellular invasion by Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Experimental Cell Research 242 (2), S. 528 - 539 (1998)
Wink, M.; Legal, L.; von Nickisch-Rosenegk, E.: Response by Michael Wink, Eva von Nickisch-Rosenegk, and Luc Legal. Journal of Chemical Ecology 24 (8), S. 1285 - 1291 (1998)
Anders, R.; Wenschuh, H.; Soskic, V.; Fischer-Frühholz, S.; Ohlenschläger, O.; Dornberger, K.; Brown, L. R.: A solution NMR study of the selectively C-13,N-15-labeled peptaibol chrysospermin C in methanol. Journal of Peptide Research 52 (1), S. 34 - 44 (1998)
Barsig, J.; Flesch, I. E. A.; Kaufmann, S. H. E.: Macrophages and hepatocytic cells as chemokine producers in murine listeriosis. Immunobiology 199 (1), S. 87 - 104 (1998)
Zevering, Y.; Khamboonruang, C.; Good, M. F.: Human and murine T-cell responses to allelic forms of a malaria circumsporozoite protein epitope support a polyvalent vaccine strategy. Immunology 94 (3), S. 445 - 454 (1998)
Steinhoff, U.; Klemm, U.; Greiner, M.; Bordasch, K.; Kaufmann, S. H. E.: Altered intestinal immune system but normal antibacterial resistance in the absence of P-selectin and ICAM-1. Journal of Immunology 160 (12), S. 6112 - 6120 (1998)
Steinhoff, U.; Klemm, U.; Greiner, M.; Bordasch, K.; Kaufmann, S. H. E.: Altered intestinal immune system but normal antibacterial resistance in the absence of P-selectin and ICAM-1. Journal of Immunology 160 (12), S. 6112 - 6120 (1998)
Flesch, I. E. A.; Barsig, J.; Kaufmann, S. H. E.: Differential chemokine response of murine macrophages stimulated with cytokines and infected with Listeria monocytogenes. International Immunology 10 (6), S. 757 - 765 (1998)
Hanano, R.; Kaufmann, S. H. E.: Immune responses to naturally acquired Pneumocystis carinii in gene disruption mutant mice. Research in Immunology 149 (4-5), S. 429 - 435 (1998)
Müller-Lantzsch, N.; Kaufmann, S. H. E.: Pathogenesis of mucosal HIV infection and immunodeficiency. II. - Session summary. Pathobiology 66 (3-4), S. 139 - 140 (1998)
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